The Current Republican Party

 As I watch the House of Representatives try time after time to select a Speaker, I am torn between competing value judgments.

On the one hand, I admire the perseverance of Kevin McCarthy in pursuing his dream of becoming Speaker of the House. It is the kind of personal dedication that I keep telling my children to pursue. It is the lesson I got from Galaxy Quest. It is a value I try to emulate myself.

On the other hand, when I see McCarthy exemplifying this value, I feel tarnished. He is the exact wrong person to be demonstrating something I prize as a great human trait. He says one thing one day, then humiliates himself kowtowing to the person he has condemned. He is deceptive in ways I cannot imagine.

So when I see him modelling a behavior I value, I find myself feeling betrayed. Not just by Kevin McCarthy, but by all those who support him.

The current Republican Party.


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