Side Effects of Covid Booster Shot
Yesterday I took the plunge. I donned my face mask, which
may or may not protect me or may or may not protect others, I got in my car,
which may or may not need gas, and I drove to the medical center to get my
Covid booster. I’ve mastered all the basics: park on the top level (direct
sunlight kills the virus, adding an extra level of protection), don’t take the
stairs (even going downhill exhausts me), know where I’m going (fortunately
Covid signage is much clearer than signage to the Psychiatric ward, my usual
Getting the booster was a lot easier than getting the
original shots. Better scheduling, less panic, and a more orderly process. Not
only was my provider able to give me the booster, but they were able to update
my records so that my first booster was included. And, as an added bonus, I was
able to get a flu shot.
Ah, I feel so protected now!
Then I got home.
“What? You got the booster? Don’t you know that’s going to
cause heart failure?” (Yes, I have an anti-vaxer relative.)
“I’m willing to take the risk,” I replied.
“Well, watch out for symptoms.”
“What symptoms should I be on the lookout for?”
“I don’t know. Visibly shaking, maybe?”
“Okay, I’ll be on the lookout.”
So last night, I was acutely aware of any physical symptom I
might exhibit that would tell me I was having an adverse reaction to the
As the night progressed, I did notice that my arm ached
where I had gotten the shot. Unfortunately, I got the flu shot in the same arm,
and I’ve had sore arms from previous flu shots. Then, as the night progressed,
I did notice some distinct changes in my nightly routine.
Instead of waking up three or four times in the night to go
to the bathroom, I only woke up twice. Instead of lying in bed for long
stretches of time trying to fall asleep, I fell asleep almost immediately.
Instead of having strange, disturbing dreams when I did fall asleep, last night
when I woke up, all I could remember is seeing a sign in my head that stated: “You
did not dream about XYZXXYYZZ or ABCDEFU.” Since I didn’t dream about those
topics, I can’t tell you what they were.
In addition to getting more sleep than I have in weeks, I
woke up with no backaches or sore muscles. Even the pain in my arm where I got
the shots was gone.
So I’ve made a decision. I’m going to get the booster as
often as I can. I really do like those peaceful nights of sleep.
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