Re-starting My Blog

 I noticed that I have not used this blog site for quite a long time. In fact, I got so depressed with the direction our society was moving that I felt like I did not want to participate in social communications.

I can't say that things have gotten much better, but maybe, just maybe, they are heading back in a progressive direction. I am upset that so many states are limiting personal freedoms, but I have never believed that progress was a straight line upwards. It's always been two steps forward, one step back. I can accept that, as long as we keep taking two steps forward.

I am pleased with the state of the Democratic caucus in the House. I think the party reflects the country as I like to see it -- diverse, allied in general policies, yet willing to tolerate differences in opinion. A party open to compromise. A group of people willing to live by a set of standards that speak to decency, integrity, and honor.

So, who knows? Maybe in 2023 I will post more often on this site.


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